We provide physicians the funding necessary to provide medical care to injured parties, while freeing attorney cash flow and attention to focus on other aspects of the client's case.
We listen, then structure the perfect solution just for you.
Singular focus on medical liens for personal injury provides for deep practice knowledge and highly efficient operations.
Rapid turnaround on case underwriting within 24-48 hours. Payment to medical providers within 30 days.
Self-funded with sufficient capital to make funding available immediately and ongoing, which alleviates any pressure for a quick settlement.
Exclusive funding to Louisiana clients with an extensive network of local attorneys and medical providers
JMF is a trusted partner and the solution for direct medical lien funding, for medical providers, hospitals, surgical centers, imaging centers, pain management clinics and more. Our specialty funding programs are directed towards accelerating cash flow by eliminating risks and removing administrative functions, such as vetting and managing personal injury cases.
On an average, personal injury cases take 18 – 24 months to settle. Our program offers medical providers the ability to treat the patient and significantly increase their cash flow. Some statistics that have an effect on a provider’s revenue cycle: on average, personal injury medical providers are asked to reduce their bills by as much as 77% after case settlement. 7% of patients fire their original attorney, leaving the medical provider the obligation secure their lien a second time. 11% of all personal injury cases are never collected.
If your client is the victim of an accident and is unable to receive medical care due to lack of Health Insurance coverage JMF CAN HELP!!
With our Lien-Based Medical Funding Programs, an uninsured victim injured in an accident, who has previously had difficulty accessing medical care for their costly medical treatment can obtain the care for injuries suffered, including surgical care (which can be the most costly medical treatment). This is often a threshold requirement to recover full and fair compensation from a tortfeasor’s insurance carrier. JMF will assist in facilitating your clients' medical care. Our highly experienced and professional team will quickly and efficiently evaluate your case.
If you are a victim of an accident and have been unable to receive medical care due to lack of Health Insurance coverage, JMF may be able to assist you with one of our Lien-Based Medical Funding Programs.